Extreme joviality in theatre- and concert halls from the Netherlands, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, to the Catalan high-mountain, Festival de theatre Esterri d’Aneu, Pyrenees. Welcome to the superb and wonderfully hilarious world of the concert-acrobats Gogol & Mäx

What these masterly skilful comedians present on the European stages is utterly breathtaking. Two hours filled to the rim with laughter and amazement at the acrobatic and musical virtuosity, at the incredible multitude of instruments played.
At the finale grande, when the piano-playing ballerina in his pink tutu makes his balance-acting on filigree carbon-steel, even Bach’s bust enthroned on top of the piano laughs himself into stitches.
»At times, the audience can hardly sit still with laughter.«
Westfalen Blatt
»Great art performance, where the enthusiastic applause deservedly vibrating in the theatre did not seem to come to an end.«
Süddeutsche Zeitung
»a feast for ears, eyes and laughing organs.«
Mainzer Rhein-Zeitung
»2 artists 1 word: hilariousbriliantARTisticvirtuous-comediangenialoverlycomedicgeniouscosummatelygreART.«
Ute Nebel, Unterhaus Mainz

European Festival of Humour and Satire, Kremnické Gagy
Arosa Humor-Festival, CH-Arosa
Internationales Comedy Arts Festival, D-Moers
Internationales Lachfestival, B-Houthalen-Helchteren
Mosel Musikfestival, D-Trier
Pritemps des Hautes Terres, F-Tence
Fun and Classic Festival, PL-Nowy Sacz
Festival der Träume, A-Innsbruck
Theatertage, D-Solingen
Les Oreilles en Eventail, F-Saintes
Straßentheaterfestival tête â tête, D-Rastatt
Festival Lent Internationales multikulturelles Festival, SI-Maribor
Freiburgs Weihnachts-Circus Circolo, D-Freiburg
Spancirfest, HR-Varazdin
Limburg Festival, NL-Limburg
Rottweiler Ferienzauber, D-Rottweil
Internationaler Humorsommer, I-Naturns
Duckstein Festivals, D-Lübeck und Kiel
La Vie en Rose Festival of Chanson, SI-Ljubljana
Festival National des Humoristes, F-Tournon-sur-Rhône
Comicodeon - das internationale Komikfestival, A-Kapfenberg
Thailand Festival of the Arts, THA-Bangkok
Snow and Symphony Graubünden Festival, CH-St. Moritz
Festival Au Bonheur des Mömes, F-Le Grand Bornand
Festival internacional de Teatro de Humor, E-Madrid
Festival Int. de Pallassos de Cornella, Memorial Charlie Rivel, E-Barcelona
Kleines Fest im großen Garten, D-Hannover
Festival Internacional de Teatre Còmic »PLe dE RiUre«, E-El Masnou
Festival Esbaiola't, E-Esterri d'Àneu
Internationales Straßentheaterfestival OLALA, A-Lienz
Sommertraum am alten Schloß, D-Güstrow
Internationales Kabarettfestival Spektakuli, CH-Zürich
Sommerfestival Schloss Filseck, D-Uhingen
Ottobrunner Kultursommer-Fest, D-Ottobrunn
Bochumer Musiksommer, D-Bochum
Waltroper Parkfest, D-Waltrop
Internationales Straßentheaterfestival Ludwigshafen, D-Ludwigshafen

Grand Prix – European Festival of Humour and Satire, Kremnické Gagy
»Kleinkunstpreis« of Baden-Wuerttemberg
»Kleinkunstpreis« of the city of Koblenz
»Kleinkunstpreis« of the city of Schwerte
Westspitzen-award in the genre of Clownery
Public’s choice award Roner surprise, Bozen, Italy
»Kleinkunstpreis« of the city of Bochum